Cornell University // Architecture, Art, & Planning
Bachelor of Architecture // Class of 2025
Testimony // Evidence is provided by the existence or appearance of something, a tangible attestation. I’ve had a transformative experience in Cornell’s B. Arch program over the last three years. I’ve learned through difficult experiences that working in a studio environment means creativity and creation itself hold no apparent right or wrong, and there’s only so much direction outsiders can give when it comes to personal, wholeheartedly executed projects. I’ve gone through many trials trying to figure out an identity or a testimony that represents who I am via and in regards to my work, and I still haven’t figured it out completely. Nevertheless, there is a beauty and an inspiration to be found in the gray areas. Thus, through the studio’s blinding lights and challenges, I’ve begun to forge a path. I believe the best way to keep moving is to seek imaginative and unusual ideas; this is where our stories, our own gray areas, come together.